
Premium automatic management solution non-custodial for crypto-assets.


Company Managers & Professional Trader​​

Paul-Albert Lebraud, trained on traditional financial markets, is a professional quantitative trader specialising in the crypto-asset market. He trades daily and has been teaching discretionary trading on this specific market since 2017.

Lory Feuvrier is a jurist specialising in blockchain protocols. She has helped many Web3 companies to successfully deploy their projects, and manages the administrative, legal and accounting aspects of the business.

They developed their algorithmic trading solution, named Hugo™, to meet the need to manage their own capital by applying high-performance strategies.

Following a growing demand, InvesTime Management™ was born to respond to the requirements of management funds and private investors.

Discover our history of performance:

Since 1st January 2018, we have achieved a performance of +7 765,12% including a maximum drawdown of only 33,18%.

Diversifiez vos investissements

Benefit from the growth of the crypto-technology market

If you focus solely on buying and holding crypto-assets in your investment strategy, you risk missing out on 97% of the growth opportunities in this market.

In fact, you could endure market downturns and crises without actually outperforming a standard stock market investment.

This is probably not in line with your investment objectives.

The difference between a passive investment and a highly profitable investment is comparable to the difference between climbing a mountain in flip-flops and conquering Everest with state-of-the-art equipment and the support of an experienced team.

To maximise your profits, simply entrust the management of your portfolio to our professional investment solution. By acquiring and liquidating assets at the right time, our solution can potentially increase your profits by 42 times (see our overview above).

It’s easy to set up: all you have to do is link your trading platform to our automatic algorithm, which takes care of everything.

Your funds remain permanently in your account, allowing you to track progress in real time. In just 1 hour of configuration, our robust system will manage your portfolio 24/7, without any intervention on your part.

As a result, your investment will follow a professional growth curve, preserving your profits during downturns.

With this approach, you can look forward to a secure financial future for you and your family.

InvesTime Management™


Average quarterly volumes on our different strategies.

Hugo™ manages funds for dozens of capitalised investors, split across 6 exchange platforms.


Profitable quarters since 2018.

Our strategies extract profits on the upside, as well as on the downside in the crypto asset market.


Crash and downtrends avoided since 1st January 2018.

Our Hugo™ algorithm sells early to protect your capital from declines in this market.


Step #01

Take stock of your crypto situation.

Answer these quick questions now.

If you are eligible, you can make an appointment with one of our advisors to determine your objectives in a private video conference call.

The aim is to get to know you better, and to have total clarity on your expectations and profitability objectives.

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Step #02

Choose one of our strategies according to your profile.

The Hugo™ algorithm is able to execute several specific strategies depending on your expectations.

It trades mainly the most liquid assets in the market on 6 different trading platforms.

After a presentation by one of our advisors, you can choose the setup that best suits your profile and objectives.

Step #03

We connect your
crypto account together.

In 15 minutes, we link your crypto portfolio to the best trading strategy run by Hugo™.

Your capital is now managed by our proprietary algorithm via an API connection to your preferred crypto exchange account :

✔ Your capital remains in your account permanently.

✔ You can view the transactions in real time.

✔ Everything is simple and transparent for you.

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Portrait Jack Schwager

« In the long term, the question of who wins and who loses is determined by skill, not luck. »

– Jack Schwager –

Limited access:

Our management algorithm in the crypto-asset market is reserved for only 100 investors able to :

✔ Deposit +$100k of initial capital

✔ Let this capital grow over a period of +3 years

✔ Stay calm, patient and detached from market movements

If this fits your profile, you can now submit your application by clicking on this button:

Accès strictement limité

Your investment is secure:​


Your capital stays in your account permanently – no need to transfer your funds to a third party.


You are aware of the open positions and their complete history in real time.


You are free to add or withdraw funds to your Hugo™ connected account at any time.


Your capital remains available and recoverable without delay, at any time. You enjoy a flexible service.

Frequently asked questions:

Our solution uses advanced algorithms that analyse market trends in real time and adjust investments accordingly on behalf of our clients.

We don’t need to hold your funds, we integrate our technology directly with your existing accounts on exchange platforms, using secure, permission-limited API keys.

Profits are reinvested in subsequent transactions, resulting in cumulative growth of capital under management.

We work with the most professional and secure exchange platforms on the market, offering excellent liquidity and enhanced protection:

➡️ Binance, Bitfinex, Bybit, OKX, Deribit, Bitget and BitMEX.

These platforms stand out for their proven reliability over the years, their solidity and their ability to manage several billion dollars’ worth of assets due to their high liquidity.

Security is our top priority at InvesTime Management™.

We do not have access to client funds, they are held in their own secure portfolios. We use permission-limited API keys, preventing any movement of funds.

In addition, we do not apply leverage within our strategies, eliminating any liquidation risk in the market.

Get in touch with one of our advisers to answer all your questions.

Yes, our algorithm is designed to adapt and evolve as market conditions change and new data becomes available.

In addition, our research team is constantly working on improving and updating our models to offer the best possible service to our customers.

To date, our service is designed to generate profits during both periods of market growth and decline.

At present, the entry threshold is $100k per proposed strategy. 

The aim is to maintain a headcount of less than 100 clients in order to maintain a high quality service within InvesTime Management™.  

Click here to apply and reserve your place.

Yes, it is possible to connect your company’s investment account, and this can even help you optimise your tax situation in certain cases.

All you have to do is open a business account on one of the exchange platforms we work with.

This is exactly the method we use to manage InvesTime Management™ equity with our solution.

To start taking advantage of our services, just follow these 3 simple steps:


  1. Fill in this application form to apply as a customer.


  1. If your application is successful, an interview will be scheduled with one of our advisers to determine your investment objectives.


  1. We will guide you in selecting the solution best suited to your needs, and then help you connect to the platforms you have chosen.


The whole process can be completed within 48 hours.

Our automatic management solution will then manage your portfolio according to your investment preferences.

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