Legal Notice

Legal information

The website (hereinafter the “Site”) is published by Opime Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria, with a share capital of BGN 1000.00, operating under the registration number 206800467, whose intra-Community VAT number is BG206800467 and whose registered office is located at 18 blvd Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi, CP 1164, Lozenets, Sofia, Bulgaria, Europe. The company can be contacted using this contact form.

The site is hosted by PlanetHoster Inc. whose head office is located at 4416 Louis-B.-Mayer, Laval, Quebec, Canada, H7P 0G1.

The online appointment booking tool is published by Calendly LLC whose registered office is located at 271 17th St NW, Ste 1000, Atlanta, GA, 30363, USA.

The email and contact management tool is operated by ActiveCampaign, whose headquarters are located at 1 North Dearborn St, 5th Floor, Chicago, IL 60602, USA.

Terms of use

Article 1 – Purpose

These terms and conditions are intended to govern the use of the website by any user.

Visiting the Site implies that the user has previously read these general terms and conditions, has accepted them and undertakes to comply with them.

Article 2 – Use of the site

The user shall refrain from any act likely to alter or disrupt, in any way whatsoever, the normal functioning of the Site.

Likewise, he/she shall refrain from any misuse of the nominative information present on the Site.

Article 3 – Intellectual property

The user undertakes to respect the intellectual property rights inherent in the Site and its contents, whatever their nature.

In particular, the user is prohibited from reproducing or representing the Site, by any means and in any form whatsoever, without the express prior authorisation of the site

Article 4 – Pricing

Access to this Site is free of charge, except for the provision of Internet access and telephone communications, the costs of which are invoiced directly by the operators.

Article 5 – Publications

All intellectual productions published on the Site are for information purposes only and do not exempt the user from seeking appropriate advice tailored to his needs.

The use of these intellectual productions is therefore made under the unique responsibility of the user and does not commit the company Opime Ltd. or its managers.

Article 6 – Personal data

All our processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with our privacy policy.


Article 7 – Statistical data

When using the Site, cookies generated by the computer servers of may be automatically installed on the user’s computer.

These cookies do not allow the user to be identified, but only serve to measure the number of pages viewed, the number of visits and the user’s activity on the Site.

The user may refuse these cookies or delete them without affecting in any way their navigation on the Site.

Article 8 – External links

The user shall not establish a link between the website and another website without the express prior consent of

Under no circumstances may the publisher be held responsible for the consequences of accessing the Site through a link to another site, if this link has been set up without its agreement.

Photo credits:

Paul Lebraud & Lory Feuvrier

Founders :

Company Managers & Professional Trader​

Paul-Albert Lebraud, trained on traditional financial markets, is a professional quantitative trader specialising in the crypto-asset market. He trades daily and has been teaching discretionary trading on this specific market since 2017.

Lory Feuvrier is a jurist specialising in blockchain protocols. She has helped many Web3 companies to successfully deploy their projects, and manages the administrative, legal and accounting aspects of the business.

They developed their algorithmic trading solution, named Hugo™, to meet the need to manage their own capital by applying high-performance strategies.

Following a growing demand, InvesTime Management™ was born to respond to the requirements of management funds and private investors.

They talk about us :

Le Point
Le Figaro
BFM Business